aimpower in Marke41 Magazine

"Brand Management 2.0" is the title Marke41 magazine gives to aimpower's revolutionary AI platform brainsuite.

The top 4 reasons for this:

- The modern algorithms enable brand managers to guarantee holistic brand management at all times and at every touchpoint.

- This creates a competitive advantage, especially in times of scarce resources and time.

- The tool provides a precise overview of how recognisable, consistent and unique the brand presence is - and how it can be optimised.

- The AI platform helps companies develop a strong brand and consistently deliver on brand values with every advertising medium

Some of the biggest challenges for marketing teams (according to a recent study by HubSpot and LinkedIn):

1) maintaining customer loyalty,

2) retaining existing customers

3) creating relevant content for target audiences.

These become smaller as we move into "brand management 2.0" and can be more easily managed with AI-powered tools.

Read the full article in which Dr. Christian Scheier, Chief AI officer and Co-Founder of aimpower, explains how brand management will change in the future and what benefits AI tools are already providing today!


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